Meeting Minutes - 1/5/2021

       Rotary 4 Way Test of the things we think, say or do… 

  1. Is it the truth?  2.  Is it fair to all concerned? 

3.  Will it build good will and better friendships?   4.  Will it be beneficial to all concerned? 


Jourdanton Rotary Minutes 

PO Box 454 

Tax ID #74-6104364 

January 5, 2021 


Meeting was called to order at 12:35 PM by Michele Higginbotham at First Commercial Bank in Jourdanton.  The blessing was offered by Michelle Higginbotham followed by the reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and Texas flags and the Four Way Test. 


9 members present 

Guest(s) present: N/A 


Treasurer’s Report: 


  • Treasurer was not present. 


    Old Business:

  • Ronnie made a motion to approve the December 8, 2020 minutes as written.  Second by Leeroy and motion passed unanimously. 
  • Thank you to the Higginbotham’s for hosting the Christmas party!!!  Fun!!! 
  • The tree at the park has been removed. 

New Business:


  • Follow up with the National Junior High Honor Society students at JJHS and the Interact Club is in the works. 
  • RYLA has been cancelled for this year. 
  • FCB has closed the lobby as of today and has requested no meetings be held in the FCB Conference Room.   
  • Discussion on concerns of continuing meetings this month.  Jack made the motion to not have meetings for the rest of January due to health concerns of the club members, their families and our community.  Next meeting is scheduled for February 2, 2021.  The location of that meeting will be determined. 
  • Jourdanton Community Scholarship will be rolling around soon, so start asking for donations.  Ronnie shared that donations can be made for the scholarship on the Jourdanton Rotary Club website.   
  • From this point forward until further notice, each member NOT planning to attend the next meeting must email Benita Muckleroy your regrets by Friday the week before that meeting.  We now order food to be delivered to the FCB and this will assist Benita in getting an accurate count for the meal.  Email Benita at 





Next Meeting:    Next meeting location will be announced at a later date by President Higginbotham.  


Program Schedule:                                                                                           Cutter:  Theresa 


Meeting adjourned at 1:05 P.M.  Motion by Jim and seconded by Theresa.