Meeting Minutes - 4/6/2021
- Is it the truth? 2. Is it fair to all concerned?
3. Will it build good will and better friendships? 4. Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
Jourdanton Rotary Minutes
PO Box 454
Tax ID #74-6104364
April 6, 2021
Meeting was called to order by Michele Higginbotham at Joe’s Place in Jourdanton. The blessing was offered followed by the reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and Texas flags and the Four Way Test.
11 members present
Guest present: Eric Kaiser, Jourdanton Chief of Police
Old Business:
- A motion and second to approve the April 6, 2021 minutes as written passed unanimously.
- Scholarship funds are being collected. Please continue helping.
- Michele will contact Amber at Methodist South to propose donation ideas.
- Interact will work on Saturday at the Strawberry Festival selling sausage in a stick at the Poteet Interact food booth. Ronnie and Pepper Jo will discuss opportunities to recruit Jr High and younger High School students. They would like to coordinate a time when the Seniors can speak to the potential candidates.
- Christopher mentioned a Pleasanton Boy Scout who lives in Jourdanton and is looking for Eagle Scout project ideas in town. A few ideas were offered.
- Tickets for the Raffle need to be returned April 20th. If you are a member in good standing (balance paid up), then you are eligible to enter an internal raffle to win $1000 IF one of our “Rotary” bought tickets is drawn as the winner of the seller drawing.
Jourdanton Chief of Police Eric Kaiser said that there is an unprecedented crisis at the border. People are flooding in from numerous countries with no consequences once here. Lock your doors and be aware.
Next Meeting: ? Need to decide
Can NOT be Mi Mexico since it is closing!
Cutter: Bill cut. No winning card was drawn.
Approximately 15 cards left!!
Program Schedule:
April 13th – JB Salazar 102.3
Meeting adjourned.